KateWild: A elder (who knows TTATT and is slowly fading) who has a high up ranking relative at Bethel. This elder I've known since the late 90s when I was 17 and I just started going to mtgs, he is 3rd generation born in and all his family was in. Very respected elder because the family he came from, he is now about 60s.. He started having doubts with the overlapping generations, if you were in his group at book study he you couldn't go into it without studying or doing research, always into prophecies, facts and logical person. He made sure you came prepared to your book study, he would give us questions to do research for next book study. Ran into him a few months back at the grocery store and I already knew TTATT so I knew how reasonable and logical of a man he is I asked him what he thought about the overlapping generation teachings. That is when I discover he wasn't buying it. So I ran into him again recently.
That congregation at one point had like 17 elders in it and 8 Ms. for only 110 publishers. We were the only English congregation in a predominate Spanish speaking territory.
Not sure but it seems they are taking a lighter approach towards sins committed by JWs, elders not quick to DF anymore.